Welcome to Shoeology, your go-to resource for everything you need to
know about finding shoes that make your feet happy. At The Right Shoe,
we believe that your feet are your foundation of health and happiness.
Whether you’re looking for information on selecting the right running
shoe or guidance on appropriate footwear for specific medical
conditions, Shoeology has you covered. Check back with us regularly for
educational tips that will help you make informed footwear decisions!
Argh, the dreaded B word! Bunions! The bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of the big toe that can be downright painful if not managed properly.
Running is one of the most accessible and rewarding forms of exercise, but it doesn’t come without its risks – especially for those just starting or increasing their mileage.
If you’re new to running or just getting into this rapidly growing activity to get fit, explore cities and trails, meet new people or all of the above, walking into a store and staring at a wall of running shoes can be intimidating!